1930.022 IT Security Procedure: Sharing Access To IT Resources; Password Management Policy and Procedure


The University is subject to federal and state laws that require that it have in place administrative and technical standards to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the data it creates and maintains. One such administrative and technical standard is to limit access to the data based on the individual’s need for such access. Access to University IT resources have been granted to students, faculty, and staff based on their roles and responsibilities at the University. This ensures that, as a member of the University Community, you have access to only those resources necessary to perform your studies, job function, and/or business transactions with the University. Limiting access to IT resources by using access codes enables the University to better monitor and control usage of its resources. In the case of PantherSoft, moreover, controlling access precludes individuals from being able to view system data and records to which they should not be privy, and it precludes individuals from initiating transactions which they are not authorized to perform.

No one should access any University IT resource using another person's access code(s) and must read and adhere to the Guidelines for Password Management.

Separation from Employment/Transfer Clearance Form

Guidelines for Password Management

Published on 2009-11-03

Administrative Oversight & Contact Information

IT Security Office

Division of Information Security

11200 SW 8 ST - PC534A
  • Phone: 305-348-1366

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