2350.001 Budget Modifications on Sponsored Projects Policy and Procedure


Rebudgeting within a sponsored project ID, after it is awarded, is allowed if there is a legitimate need to redirect budgeted costs, provided the rebudgeting conforms to the sponsoring agency’s guidelines and is consistent with the FIU’s accounting practices. Rebudgeting is not allowed for the purpose of relieving financial pressure on a department’s unrestricted budget, or on other sponsored projects or to assign costs that could not otherwise be assigned.

2 CFR Section 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance).

Budget Modification Form

Published on 2012-03-13

Administrative Oversight & Contact Information

Office of Research and Economic Development

11200 SW 8th Street - MARC 430
Miami, FL 33199
  • Phone: 3053482494

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